Sunday, November 21, 2010

Playing Catch Up....again!!

I can't thank everyone enough for the amazing support for my photography much support I've been a bit overwhelmed with trying to get every one's pictures edited and back to them in a timely manner...and sadly publishing them on my blog is at the bottom of my priority list so this is an attempt to catch up again on what I've been up to and the amazing families I've had the opportunity to photograph!
~ Michael Brown Family~

~Albert Brown Family ~

~Rumsey Family~

~Bagley Family~

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Torgerson & Company

Liz & Wyatt have been good friends of ours for quite some time and it's been so fun getting know their family and getting to know each one of their kid's own little characters. The love and respect they all show for each other make this family a strong and close family that most people couldn't be so lucky to have! Ross & I are lucky to have such great friends!