Friday, August 26, 2011

Farwell Dear Summer!

Well I guess it's that time of year...the time of year that I'm told by the "ping" sound of an Autumn baseball being hit by the high school baseball team that are ever so eager at 6:00 a.m. that it's official, Summer is over and it's time for school to start again:(

So once again I say good bye to Summer...a Summer that didn't really seem like much of one partially because most of our Summer was spent in a hospital and the other part because living in this beautiful valley often means enduring freezing temperatures right up until the 4th of July

But with only a few short weeks to enjoy our Summer we managed to jam pack those weeks full of late nights playing volleyball-girls against boys of course and of course us girls always won! A short trip to Lake Powell....a bachelorette party in Mesquite and what would a Summer be with out the Worlds Fair and a good ole hometown rodeo and a nail biting derby!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Back~to~School SHOPPING EVENT!!

Everyone stop by for great savings, drawings, and treats!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Dan & Kelsey

I must have the best job be able to capture such love, it makes me go home smiling knowing that 2 more of my wonderful friends are happy and have found love in each other:) Such a great couple congrats Kelsey & Dan!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Myca & Jesse

I've known these two for many years and when their paths finally crossed we all knew it was true love! They are both so happy and we are so excited for their marriage, congratulations Jesse & Myca!