Thursday, April 15, 2010

What's your Story?

This is a story about a girl,

a girl who has documented her whole life in journals...

that girl is me...

I haven't documented my WHOLE existence but I did start when I was only 15 years old

I would write in my journal basically every night before I went to bed, even it was 2:00 a.m. (sorry mom for staying out so late when I was a teenager)

Anytime I want a good laugh, I just pull out those old journals from high school, who knew one girl could have so many different crushes at that age?!?
A small glimpse of my journal collection

As I got older and well life was, lets say, less dramatic, the entries slowed down...

I would write when something big happened or when I needed to vent...

then last week I pulled out my journal to start on an entry and was ashamed at how much time had gone by, how many memories I might forget because I didn't write them down...

flashes of the movie "Notebook" are running through my mind right about now...

so with the new year I've made it a goal of mine to get back to my roots and do what I love ~writing~

Items now available in my boutique 7 different styles to choose from

and I've found just the inspiration I need to do that~Her Words Composition Books with beautiful vignettes by poet Monique Duval

when I stumbled across these little beauties, I HAD to have them!

hopefully it won't take long to fill one up, choosing just one, impossible!

Along with the beautiful composition books I'm also offering a few gift books in my boutique, for such a small package these books are spilling over with inspiration!

My challenge for all of you is to start a journal, obviously a lot of us already do that in blogland but I'm talking about a good old fashioned journal that you keep close to your heart, a place you can go back to in times of hardship, or just to reminisce, or to find inspiration...

I am SO thankful I took the time to write down my everyday feelings & activities...those journals will be a piece of my story left behind and will forever be priceless...

1 comment:

Faund Images said...

So, this should really motivate me. I am the worst at this... darn. When I die, no one will know I was here! Lovely photos...