Sunday, March 14, 2010


I spent the afternoon yesterday with my sister Candis & her fiance Hyrum taking engagement pictures...

It was a barrel of fun! Here's the kicker, Hyrum is also my Brother-in-law...

he is my husband's little brother, so yes Candis will soon be my sister-in-law as well...are you confused yet? I am so excited for there union because our kids will be double cousin's...YAY!

If you know Hyrum he is hilarious...we were laughing all day and they were both such good sports!

This kind of photography is new to me, I haven't done alot of it...

I've always been more of an outdoor, scenery kind of photographer...

When I was young I thought I wanted to be a professional photographer, but like alot of small communities, I found that it didn't matter what you knew, but who you knew...and therefore was told I couldn't be in the yearbook class (to further my photography skills) because the teacher hand picked the yearbook staff and apparently there was no room for me, even after many failed attempts to express my love of photography...and at the time it was the only class our small 1A school offered that had anything to do with the art... so after that my confidence in my self as a photographer was shattered...

obviously since then I've moved on and have learned no one can take away something you feel very passionate about no matter how hard they try...
so for right now it's just a hobby.... I still have SOOO much to learn about the art...but it sure has been an enjoyable journey!

So thank you Candis & Hyrum for being such a cute and easy couple to photograph, it was a ton of fun!


Faund Images said...

Good job, Kaylin!

Kaylin said...

Thank you Faun!! Your always so sweet to leave me inspiring comments!

Sarah Bogh said...

Kaylin! You did such a good job! I was going to ask who did these, you are awesome! I was the same way, I wanted to do it but I was no where near high enough on the ranking list of WHS to even think about doing anything with it there. At Snow I tried to get into photog classes and was told I had to be an art major and do all the pre-reqs like drawing and sculpting before i could do photography. lame! so I didn't take it in school but there are so many other ways to learn!! I love how they turned out, you really did such a great job! you have so much talent in all areas!!

Sarah Bogh said...

Oh and i am following on here and on facebook! does this count as my #3? :)

Kaylin said...

Thanks Sarah for your kind words...and yes this does count for your 3rd! Luckily now you can take photography classes right online and they don't judge who you are or if you have pre-reqs:)

Unknown said...

Great pictures!!! I would love to have some family pictures done, would you like to do it?!?! Keep up the great work, you are a very talented lady....

Kaylin said...

Thanks for the sweet comment "stratus_32" I would love to do family pictures...however you never stated who you are? :)